Saturday, October 9, 2010


9 Oktober 2010.

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Salam everyone. For this project, we were divided into groups, each with a specific task to prepare components foe a huge geodesic icosidodecahedron. (Please refer to

The BJG dome to be built.

Groups retrieved the bamboo from stockpile area at Dome site.

Selecting bamboos...

Selected bamboos tied in bundles...

More bamboos for BIG Dome...

...and the bamboos were quite heavy to carry to work area...

Groups selecting custom-sized PVC pipes for hubwork.

The length of cut polypipes compared to my foot...

Measuring required lengths to be removed.

Polypipes or PVC pipes were cut according to specifications for making strut joints or connectors.

A workshop assistant helping groups to cut polypipes into desired shapes.

A group cutting the polypipes...

Warming up the polypipe to fit to the bamboo ends easier and stronger.

Queueing up to flatten the "tongue" of the cut polypipes...

The flattened part... This will fit the struts nicely...

The strutwork team thinning out required bamboo lengths... The bamboo will form the very basic component of the dome...

Top and bottom pics : the hub sample produced during hub making trials. We will prepare similar hubs using bamboo struts produced by strutwork groups.

Each strut will be fitted with connectors at both ends. These struts will compose the structure of BIG geodesic icosidodecahedron.

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